www.womenofindonesia.com Among Indonesian Working Women, only 5% finish their secondary school. This means for every 1 working woman in corporation who manage to get a degree and career, there are 20 other women who are also working but unable to finish their education. So the questions remain: • Are you a woman working in other institution outside your home? • Did you managed to finish your secondary school? • Did you managed to get a degree? • Are you working by choice or by situation? If your answers are yes and either for the last one, you are definitely the 1 out of 20. Be grateful. And for ‘this 1’ Woman who make it through, to be able to understand the great change that she can create for a better tomorrow. WOMEN OF INDONESIA is committed to connect, nurture, and empower ‘this 1’ women to realize their potential of creating a greater positive impact towards others and for the next generations. We call out for collaborations and s...
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